
Supervised this video for marketing of an off-the-grid summer camp for girls at the Quaker-based Farm & Wilderness.

The Diversity Matters video captures the voices of summer staff, campers and leaders at the Quaker-based Farm & Wilderness camps where diversity and social justice issues are ingrained into activities, conversations, recruitment and training. I managed all aspects of this production, which garnered more than 33,000 views in an early 2017 Facebook post.

Initiated and managed details for this video, which gives newcomers and alumni a taste of Farm & Wilderness' Fair 2014.

Maple Sugaring happens each year in snowy Vermont.
Here is a audio slideshow of how this springtime rite is done at Farm & Wilderness in Plymouth, Vt.
More than 80 gallons of syrup were bottled in this year - a record.

This snippet was created with counselor Sam Green to share the sights and sounds of work projects at the Barn Day Camp, one of several camps at Farm & Wilderness.
Freelance Writing, Editing & Storytelling
Compelling and accurate narrative
Writing. Done. Right.